Senior Pet Care

We will continue to recommend regular physical exams, vaccinations, diagnostic screening, and parasite control for our senior patients, but those recommendations may change based on the needs and lifestyle of each individual. Senior pets typically require additional medical care and attention, including dental care and mobility assessments.

As our pets age, their risk for certain medical conditions increases. Their needs, behaviors, and metabolic requirements also change. In order to provide the best medical care for our senior pets, and therefore help them live their best life possible, the veterinarians and technicians at EVC may recommend more frequent exams or diagnostic screening.

By diagnosing and treating some medical conditions early in the process, we can manage or treat those conditions and keep your pet happy and comfortable throughout their senior years. Some conditions that typically affect senior pets include: arthritis, obesity, diabetes, dementia, thyroid imbalances, behavioral changes, mobility issues, kidney, heart, and liver disease, tumors and cancers.